I s o l a t e d //

​The concrete ground was hard beneath her,

Uncomfortable, but she still lied down,

It was just like what she was feeling everyday,

Uncomfortable, uneasy, annoyed, 

A weird isolated feeling in the pit of her stomach,

And words evaporating into vapours full of nothingness,

It was her tears which fell down from the sky,

For she was saving the real ones for home, 

Her eyes spoke volumes,

And her smiles, crooked but broken,

Her laughs, melodious but they engulfed her sobs,

And she was happy no one noticed,

But sad nobody heard the whispers behind the loud voices,

She thought everything is fine,

Without drama and pain,

But she realised isolating herself,

Was making her insane,

And as she lay on the concrete hard ground,

Staring up towards the ceiling,

She whispered,

“I am beautifully fragmented, more or less demented, happily dejected, and socially isolated.”